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i'm cheating

So this photo is not from today. Obviously, it's from the wedding I shot last weekend, and I'm cheating on my daily blog. But I'll tell you why! I took a photo today, and it got erased (ah, technology). I had worked on processing these wedding photos all day today, and I felt like posting one of them would be a better representation of my day (and more interesting) than posting a photo that I shot at 10 pm in a panic because my original file was deleted. But enough excuses.Today I woke up feeling even sicker, and because I don't want to a) travel on a 9-hour plane ride with a head cold or b) have to find antibiotics while using my broken Czech skillz, I decided to go to the doctorThey did give me antibiotics, but they also insisted on an updated tetanus shot before I flew as well as a whooping cough vaccine. They also wanted me to have the flu vaccine, but frankly with my combined illness and the other 2 shots, I told them I'd pass. I might regret that later, but whateverI asked them if there would be any side effects to these shots and was told my arm would be sore. Eight hours later my arm is sore, I have a blinding headache and I'm achy all over. And because I've also got this lovely sinus infection, my throat is sore and I'm hacking away. So yeah, things are LOVELY over here right now. Not cursing that doctor at all.So I'm going to head off to bed early and try to feel better because my to-do list for tomorrow is about 700 miles long. And that doesn't even include the voodoo ceremony to pay the doctor back for this ill deed. (Kidding, mom, relax.)But back to the photo, how wonderful is this couple? I love photographing happiness.