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in an attempt to get more birds...

0705bathsmToday we went out shopping for a bird bath. I've never been fond of the idea of one because I am such a mosquito target, but I have heard repeatedly that it increases the number of birds to your feeder. And while I have a lot of birds visiting these days, they are 95% sparrows and 5% nut hatches. And 0% pretty songbirds like finches, wrens, cardinals or blue birds. So! I went and bought some of the more expensive, hand crafted bird feed from the local bird store, and I also picked up a bird bath. And! I got a heater to keep it thawed in the winter! And yes, my descent into geriatric hobbies is happening at an alarming rate. But what can I say, I just love watching the birds while I have my morning coffee.For your internet share of the day, check out this video of a camera strapped to a drone plane, flown through a fireworks display. A very cool, different angle!