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in the old neighborhood

0827knopfsmWhen Jamie and I first moved to the Twin Cities (more than a dozen years ago), we rented a fabulous house in St. Paul. We lived near this little "village" called St. Anthony Park, and there was a fantastic neighborhood bookstore that I loved. This little area is also where the library was, a great restaurant, a bakery, a few shops, and most importantly, my dentist.If you know much about me, you know I have my fair share of dental woes. And you guys, I have the best dentist in the world. I truly adore him.Anyway, so when we bought our home in Minneapolis, we never switched dental practices. We are nothing if not loyal, and this is why today I was over in my old neighborhood, getting a cavity-free report (yay!) and window shopping at that quaint bookseller.I might have mentioned here before, that I haven't cracked an actual book all summer (well, I did read one). But instead I've been listening to audio books downloaded for free from the library. Oh you guys, the library is the best thing in the world, is it not? Anyway, this is what stopped me from going in. With daycare costs (which I could rant about for years and years), I'm on a stricter budget these days, and the library is making me very happy.But I did have to snap a photo of this sign because holy cow, look at that beautiful dog! It looks to be an Afghan hound, but it reminds me of my boy Merlin. Dear, sweet, Merlin.For your internet share today, the state fair has begun! And here's an article on what you should eat. I think the coffee ice cream would be at the top of my list...