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Tonight we had dinner with Chris and Alby, two of my very favorite of Jamie's coworkers. They travel all over the world and are absolutely hilarious, and we always have an amazing time with these two. We wanted to take them to La Chaya, one of our favorite restaurants in their neighborhood, and the food was amazing as usual. The company was outstanding as well, but unfortunately all the laughing kicked up my coughing so I wasn't so much contributing to the conversation as much as I was laughing/hacking/laughing.I met these two in 2008 when they invited us to their house for happy hour. I owe a lot to them because a) they are the ones that introduced us to "cornhole" -- the summer yard game that we adore -- and b) Alby was the first person I ever met that was doing a "photo each day" project. I loved the idea, and started my own that next January. If you want to see some of his photos, his website is over here. And yes, that's him taking *his* photo of the day in the background.