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Mmmm... a lovely autumn Saturday. First things first, I shot all of today's photos on my phone using Instagram because my shoulders were killin' me and I didn't want to haul around my "real" camera. That's one thing about the weddings -- my back is usually pretty sore the next day from carrying so much gear around for 8 hours. I should probably get some sort of rolling bag. But I think they look dorky, so there ya go.Jamie and I decided that since it was officially the first day of our vacation, we should treat it as such even in Minneapolis. So we went out to lunch, off to the Electric Fetus for a little shopping and then over to the Minneapolis Institute of Arts to take in the photo exhibit (which was on wide-angle photography, hence the panoramic dental x-ray). Then we came home, made an amazing steak dinner, had some ice cream (cuz we're allowed to break the diet on occasion while on vacation) and are now heading off to the movies. Fun Saturday for the win!