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it's all in black and white

081 (1)Hello lovelies!Today I'm going to post some of my favorite wedding photos as I tell you about a special deal I'm offering this year. In case you haven't picked up on it, I am just really in love with black and white photography these days. Sure, sure, sure, I love color as well. But something about restricting myself to black and white is just so inspiring, and as I've mentioned before, one of my huge goals for 2016 is to be more inspired and to really up my game creatively.So one goal I have is to photograph an entire wedding in black and white.No color. At all. (Deep breaths.)I know that it would take a very special bride and groom to hop on this crazy train with me, so I'm offering an incentive. You'll get $500 off an 8-hour wedding package if you say you want the whole shebang in black and white.Yup. Five hundred smackaroos. See? I want to do this thing baaaaaad.So! If you are getting married or you know anyone who is (who appreciates the classic look of old photography), please spread the word! I think the photos would be stunning and classic and besides, you have your entire guestlist there with their cell phones, so who needs color anyway?!But really. Wouldn't this be awesome?054Ahern045015036055292061 (2)