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it's fitz!

0521fitzsmTonight I had a few friends over for hot dogs. Normally, I do something a touch more high-end for my guests, but I assure you that these were FANCY hot dogs, which you can read about on the blog on Sunday.My man had a marketing event tonight and I wasn't about to make these amazing hot dogs and then sit at home alone, all knocked up and eating delicious junk food (see me and my restraint?!?). So I invited my favorite junk-food expert friends over instead. :)And one of them is Stacy, and this is her baby Fitz. Remember back when he was born? What a cutie. You wanna know what else is funny? Magda is apparently TERRIFIED of babies (or maybe just Fitz). She spent the whole evening up in the guest room cowering under the bed. So, um, we might have some work to do there.For your internet share of the day, check out this amazing map to see where 54% of the nation's population lives. Maps are so fascinating.