just another day with boba fett

Today I had an all-day shoot, and man I am WIPED OUT. It's a good thing I have a lighter day tomorrow so I can rest up for a big wedding I'm shooting on Saturday! Anyway! Today's project had me traveling with a team all around the metro taking photos of ... a 3M product. We'll just leave it at that. It's a great group that I'm lucky enough to work with, and it was a fun project.And at our last location, they had this full-size figure of Boba Fett in one of the first conference rooms when I walked in! Pretty rad. Even if he does have a squirrel on his back.For your internet share of the day, I have two magnificent stories to share with you. The first is a first-person account of how my buddy Andrea GOT INVITED TO PRINCE'S HOUSE to hear his new music. And yes he was there. And yes, he might have asked her to dance. *faintzThe second story is about a bear cub that fell through a skylight into a family's living room and then ate all of their cupcakes! Wow! I am so sad this bear was destroyed. He was so courageous!