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kick start my heart

Is that pretty or what? That's my new camera bag :)I helped back a kickstarter campaign this summer, and I was hoping to snag this beauty for my trip to Europe. The thing I loved most about it was that it doesn't look like it has expensive gear in it, it just looks like a rucksack (well, that and it's military inspired -- I mean who doesn't love that?). But the guy running the project ran into about four million problems while learning how to manufacture bags overseas (I imagine that is a tad tricky) and I just got it today in the mail! And kids, it is gorgeous. And so, so high quality.I probably won't be taking it out to many shows as camera/lens access still isn't as handy as my messenger bag, but this beauty will be great for portrait sessions (especially those involving hikes!) and travel. You know the sound Homer Simpson makes when he sees donuts? That's the sound I make when I feel this bag.MEMPHIS UPDATE: Our Golden Girl must have been feeling better today because while we were at work she decided to unwrap gifts under the Christmas tree and eat a ton of cookies that had been sent to us (I didn't know the package contained food) as well as a gift I had gotten for a friend that contained a bag of extremely rich, buttery caramels. Thank god she stopped at the bag of coffee beans (it looks like she tasted one, and that's it). The good news? She feels good enough for trouble, so maybe she's not as close to death's doorstep as we feared. The bad news? We've been cleaning up the grossest dog vomit you can imagine all night. Awesome.