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kinda bleak out there...

0219tundrasmToday it hit 37 (at least) and it was glorious. And yet? That's what it looks like outside. We've just had so much snow that these past two days above freezing have only put the mildest dent in the tundra, and tomorrow we are supposed to get five more inches of it.However! I won't complain about fresh snow. I know I'm in the minority, but I really love snowfalls and the quiet and romance of them. It's the super cold temperatures that have me grumpy this year. A week from tomorrow, our high will be zero again with lows around -17. Ick. I better buy a few more books to settle in with.For your internet share of the day, how about seeing what various serial killers had for their last meal before facing the death penalty? Eh? This is the stuff that fascinates me to no end. I'm not sure what my own last meal would be... ice cream for sure, but I'm unsure of what else. Probably some really delicious fries and onion rings :) How about you? What would you guys want for your last meal?