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kinda chilly

So this morning when I woke up it was -14. And when Jamie went to get the paper from the front porch, there was a dude out jogging. In the street. When it was 14 degrees below zero.I should state right now that this is not a whiney "OMG it's so cold, I haaaaate the cold" blog post. I moved here from Miami, and I freaking love it here. It's Minnesota, so why is everyone so SURPRISED by this chill? I seem to remember a few years back when we had a full week or 10 days below zero -- so these little dips don't bug me too much. (And yeah, I might have complained about the cold back then. That was an awfully long stretch of sharp breathing.) Sure the weather's a bit of a pain, and sure I run right to the radiator when I get home, and sure warming up the car takes a little time. But part of the cool thing about living here is that we are TOUGH ENOUGH TO TAKE IT. So can we please stop all the whining?And if it is really THAT bad, you can move. You have that choice. I hated the heat of Miami. Hated the bugs. Hated the humidity. Hated it. You know what I did? I left. Because I'm a grown person and I make my own choices. And so are you.But having said all of that? The dude out running this morning is clearly a nutjob.Now that I've got that out of my system, we had lovely frost on the windows today (isn't it pretty!?) and a beautiful snowfall this afternoon and it was a great day. Oh! And remember Jamie's little website project? Our favorite radio station (no, really, it was our favorite before this as well) wrote up a blog article about his site! Check it out!