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kiss kiss

0308kisswThis photo doesn't look that remarkable. Just a mom and her sweet daughter enjoying a kiss.But this photo is so hard for me to capture! I was so happy when I saw this in my edit, because while I take a million photos of kids kissing their parents and each other, it often just looks like the kids are hugging or smushing their faces into the other person's face. You can hardly ever see the actual mouth puckering, and, frankly, most kids don't even know how to kiss.Or at least mine doesn't. He opens his mouth wide and then sort of sets his lips onto your face. We have miles to go if he ever wants a second date.Also? I love how blissed out this mom looks. Anyway, this was one of my favorite shots from this weekend. This little girl is a month older than Ez, and this was our third session -- that's every six months! It's so fun to see her growing up!Ok, for your internet shares of the day, I am loving this fun new song by Lizzo. You have to get through the intro (blerg), but I sure love that song. And these photos from Hong Kong are breathtaking. Enjoy!