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ladies who lunch

This morning I took a long walk around my childhood neighborhood with my dad, which was a great way to start the day. I have to say, I'm surprised at how cold it is here in Wichita -- it was 9 degrees on our walk. That's about what it's been in Minneapolis!Later this afternoon... wait. I'm sorry I have to interrupt. I am at Panera right now blogging, and there is a table of baby boomers in the booth behind me talking about how they just don't trust that internet and how young people don't know anything about facts and they will ALWAYS get the paper because if it's IN PRINT then it's REAL. Hahaha. How cute. I love these people that keep me employed.Anyway! This afternoon Mom and I went to lunch with a bunch of her girlfriends to celebrate one of their birthdays (Robbie, the one with the short, curly hair). It was so much fun. These ladies have been playing bridge with my mom for years and years and years and to hear them talk was just a blast for me. They talked about movies and books and they gossiped. One of their mothers is now dating the guy that ran the service station where I had my cars fixed in high school. Such a small town, and so much gossip to be had. It was fun, I admit.The photo above is one I took of the girls before we left. My mom is second from the right. Her friend Lola, on the far right, used to come over when I was a kid (like 7 and on) and they would eat Ruffles with sour cream and chive dip and drink beer and gossip all afternoon and I would hang on to every single word. In fact, I suspect my love of a good story (and a touch of embellishment) was developed in these years of Lola's visits. What a hoot.