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last morning in budapest

Oh hi! I've been awake for almost twenty hours! (Please forgive any typos or grammatical errors that I am about to commit.) This morning we woke up early and walked to this "famous" bakery in our neighborhood to buy some chocolates before leaving town. This was their cake section. Right? Wow.Then we took a cab to the airport -- amazingly our first cab ride of the entire trip. Yup, three cities, four countries (just drove through Slovakia) and only one cab ride -- way to use those awesome public transportation systems! Anyway, so in this cab the radio was on and we heard these three artists in a row: 1) Bon Jovi (Runaway) 2) Elton John (I don't wanna go on with you like that) and 3) Coolio (Fantastic Voyage). Now that is a diverse station. Those poor, poor Hungarians.Anyway, after that marvelous journey in the cab, we traveled for thirteen hours straight in which I read an entire book from start to finish and watched three movies. And now we are home surrounded by our loving pups and ready to crawl into bed. For about 27 hours.