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late summer light

Oh man how I love late summer/fall light.... it's just so golden! Tonight I had a shoot with a lovely family at a nature preserve. The scenery was stunning and the kids were amazingly well behaved. The mosquitos though? They sucked. Literally. I was eaten alive! And I used bug spray!And in other news, part of my car (like the engine part) FELL OUT OF MY CAR AND ONTO THE PAVEMENT TODAY. Yeah. You shoulda seen me at the gas station with my towel trying to pick the part back up to take with me. The car was still running fine, so I had no idea what it was, but I knew it came from my vehicle a) because I heard it break off (terrifying) and b) because it was too hot to handle after coming from the engine.The good news? It was a major part of the air conditioner, and not the engine, so the car is still driveable. The bad news? The cost is in four digits and my heater might not work without a fix. And here in Minnesota? I can go the next 10 months without a/c. However, that heater is a touch mandatory.