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let's give this baby a whirl

0408fujismLook who is testing out a point and shoot! I have been reading great reviews on this camera for a long while now, and I thought it would be nice to have a smaller, lighter camera to take with me for day-to-day blogging etc. So I'm testing this puppy out this week, and every photo you see on the blog from tomorrow until Sunday will be shot with this Fuji x-20. It makes me nervous to type that because I'm going to Austin and I like to take AWESOME and WONDERFUL travel photos and thinking of trying to do that with a point-and-shoot is making me a touch queasy. But what is life without challenges, eh??Um, I am *bringing* my Nikon in case things go to hell in a handbasket. But my goal is to shoot purely with this Fuji.So, my thoughts on the camera so far: The test photos I've done look super nice, but I HATE HATE HATE HATE having to control things like focal points using the LCD monitor on the back and not being able to do it through the viewfinder. It makes me feel like a total amateur. And yet, I am not sure features like that are very common with point and shoots, so I'm going to try and let that slide. (deep breaths)Back to the positives, I like that the lens aperture drops down to 2.0 and I'm super curious to try out the tilt-shift effect that I read about in the reviews. And I haven't even mentioned how darn cute it is! I love the retro look! And if I decide I love this camera, I might have to buy this.So! Wish me luck! And follow along and tell me what you think of the photos!Now, for your internet share of the day, how about these golden retrievers that figured out how to work the ice machine on the fridge? HILARIOUS.