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little helper

This was just the weekend I needed. I got a ton of sleep, fit in some yoga, ate some amazing food and managed to clean and organize huge chunks of the house. There is no better way to start a Monday than with a clean house and fresh sheets on the bed. Well, maybe on vacation... but I'm talking a "regular" Monday here.My big project over the last two days was to re-do my basement, creating a better photo studio space so that I'm more equipped for clients who want dog portraits (HINT, HINT). To do this, we moved almost all the furniture from one room of the basement into another and vice versa. In doing so, we found a ton of dust and a ton of things that we no longer need as well as a ton of trash. Like this old wrapping paper tube that quickly became Memphis' prized possession for at least a few hours. I love it that she can be so entertained for so little money.