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livin the dream part 2

I got up at 4:30 am this morning so I could be ready to load in all my gear for a 6:30 am shoot with the soccer players. There are few things I'll get up that early for, but paid time to spend with international athletes? Check.

And when I wrapped up that shoot around 10, I almost fell to my knees in a prayer of thanks for the glorious 70 degrees and sunshine that greeted me as I walked to my car. I immediately ran home to change into sandals before the rest of my days meetings.

Tonight we are having dinner with friends, there's a possibility of a fashion show, and then we get to see Lucero play in concert. I'll shoot the show, but maybe save the photos for later in the week, since I already have this nice soccer image done.

And here's my internet share of the day.