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living the dream (part 8,253)

0108horsewToday I was shooting all over the city for a fun commercial project that I can't talk about too much now (but that I will talk about a lot once it goes live). One of the locations had me shooting on A HORSE FARM. Can you even imagine how much I loved this part of the assignment? Eeeegads!I wanted to show you guys something from the day, but obviously it needs to be an image that the client would never choose to use. So I picked this image. I was photographing one horse when I felt a tapping on my shoulder. I turned around and this guy here was RIGHT IN MY FACE. So I snapped a photo. I like how you can see the farm, woods, pen, etc reflected in his big eye.For your internet shares of the day, I give you the following:I want these leggings.I want these stamps.I want this dye job.And lastly, I got to shoot some photos this week with my girl Sarah (always a blast). And they are already live and in use! If you want awesome advice that you would get with girlfriends while having wine, I highly suggest her ebooks. Smart and funny!