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looks like murder

0806redsmWe should play a game! As in, what in the world do you think is going on in that photo up there? Guesses?If you haven't figured it out, today I got my hair colored (a red refresh). My *amazing* colorist (Nikki) wears these blue gloves and today she was joking that it looked like she had just performed open heart surgery. It does, right!? Anyway, you guys should see the end result. So dang pretty.And in fact, stunningly enough, I was going to have Mr. Plesser take a photo of me this evening after dinner over at the lake because my hair looks great and I could use a new image. But then a big severe thunderstorm rolled in and I nixed it. The color looks best in natural sunlight, so you'll just have to wait :)And from the internet today, I bring you an interview with my friend Will the "roadie." He's a buddy of mine who tours with some excellent bands and hails from the great state of Kansas. My other friend Sarah runs this super cool blog, and she's always looking for interesting stories so I introduced them. You should check it out.