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magda turns one!

1202MagdasmLook who turned one yesterday! Little Miss Magda! She got a long hike at the dog park and an ice cream cone from Dairy Queen, plus she got lots of couch time as well. Pretty happy girl -- especially after last weekend!It has come to my attention that many of you enjoy seeing the "behind-the-scenes" of Shuttersmack HQ, so I put together another blog post on how, exactly, I got this shot over here. Enjoy!I also announced today that I'll be doing quickie holiday portraits this Saturday. For $100 you get five high resolution images of you and your family and your pets before Dec. 10, which leaves just enough time for you to get them on your holiday card and get those out. See? I am totally here to help all you procrastinators. But I wouldn't procrastinate on signing up, as there are a limited number of time slots! So snap to it!