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mall walkers

011714moasmToday after a fun lunch with the wonderful Jen, I picked up Alby and we headed over to the Mall of America to do some walking. Isn't that photo up there interesting? It's the really cool Radisson Blu hotel that they just built that's attached to the mall. I am here to tell you, it is LOVELY. I would totally stay there*!Anyway, there is something you should know about me. And that is that I fucking hate the Mall of America. First off, let me apologize for swearing (my father always tells me it shows lack of character, so I try to keep this corner of my world clean), but I really needed to emphasize how much I dislike it. I have refused to take visiting relatives there more than once because a Saturday surrounded by the slowest moving creatures on the planet and those kiosks trying to push stuff on you is my own personal nightmare.In fact, when I told my mom I was going to walk the MOA with Alby today, she said to me, "Wow, you must REALLY love him." Ha! Yes, yes I do.But! It was fun! First off, a Friday afternoon in January is pretty slow at the mall. You still get in the good people watching, but the slow zombie-esque tourists are pretty scarce. Also? When you are at the mall with no intention of shopping, but really just to look around and get some exercise, it's quite entertaining! So I'll be heading back with Alby next week. I love having a mall walking buddy! Look at me! I'm like a senior citizen! And so proud of it!Also, you can click over to Alby's photo blog (I'm sure I have mentioned that he was my inspiration for starting Shuttersmack five years ago?) and see the back of me shooting this here image.OK, OK now let's get to the internet share of the day. Because I skimped on you yesterday, I'm giving you two today. The first is this amazingly funny video on how to be a tourist in NYC. I love it because a) it's funny but b) I think the rules are true in any big city -- not just New York. Very well done. All travelers should watch it and follow the rules -- ESPECIALLY the ones regarding where to eat.The second share is a fascinating video on the start of newspapers being online. My personal favorite quote was something like, "We're not doing this to make money! It's certainly not costing us anything!" HAHHahhahahHAHAHhahahaha. If you have teenage children you should make them watch this -- talk about a history lesson!*Except that it's in Bloomington, MN. And it's attached to the Mall of America.