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marathon four

Sooo, remember Mark Mallman? He's the local musician who is always coming up with new and crazy ways to perform. A few years ago, I shot his 3 day music marathon, and today he was back with Marathon Four.This year, instead of playing in one venue for three days straight, he has taken his show on the road. Literally. He is strapped into a van and he's playing music for SEVEN days straight as he drives across the country. You can watch it happen hereHe has hooked up machinery to his body to monitor his biorhythms and create music while he sleeps. It's kindof fascinating science, which you can read about in this Wired article here.Anyway! Today he stopped back on his home turf for a few hours and people could stop by and watch him perform. So I couldn't miss that now could I? This shot is him in the van with another local musician. I took a few other images you should check out over here. Honestly? Even if you don't like the music, you have to admire the creativity of it all. I'm personally a tad amazed.