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meanwhile, in oz

0813mothrasmThe family flew to Kansas today. I am sick with a horrendous cough/fever/plague and Ezra is teething and SQUIRMY AS HELL on an airplane and Jamie is a saint. Thank God I married that man who took care of us today and even found me amazing chicken soup for dinner. As I type this, I am sitting in the hotel room with saline spray being routinely administered up my nose while I wear a breathe right strip on my face. Clearly, I am the Sexiest Woman Alive right now. And he still brought me chicken soup for dinner. What a man. I will now return the support by letting him watch as much Royals baseball as he can fit in for the rest of the weekend.The photo above is a giant moth that we found on my mom's patio when we arrived at her house today. My brother is holding it in his hands to show the scale. It couldn't seem to fly due to that torn wing, which was sad. But man, what a beauty.For your internet share, in case you are living under a rock and didn't hear, the ceiling fell from First Avenue last night during a show. Three people were injured, but overall the club handled it perfectly and everyone was evacuated in an orderly manner. This is not surprising at all as I have many times declared my love and respect for the staff and crew that runs my favorite spot in Minneapolis. But this video of the ceiling falling during the show is CRAZY. So that's what I'm gonna show you today. I hope they can get the needed repairs done quickly!