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meanwhile, at city hall

Ah right... how 'bout that wedding I shot last Wednesday, eh? So sorry for the delay in the post! These two asked me to witness their ceremony in the judge's chambers a while back, and I jumped at the chance. One, because I've never done that before and two, because I thought the photos would be so different. And let's be clear, they didn't even ask me to bring my camera (I just sorta force it on people these days).The ceremony was so sweet and simple and fast. The judge's comments were so, so great that I picked up his card on my way out. If any of you are thinking of using a judge in your upcoming nuptials, please contact me for his information. This is the guy I would want for my own wedding.I will be posting a full set from the ceremony in a bit (gotta go catch that KU game on the TV first and make some dinner etc etc etc). But in the meantime, I loved this frame.Oh! And if you missed my Doomtree shots from yesterday, they are posted over here. Enjoy!