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meeting on campus

11053MwI had a meeting today over at 3M's headquarters, which are located just spitting distance from Wisconsin. You think I'm joking, but I am not. And driving home from this meeting in rush hour? Through two downtowns? Not so awesome. But at least I had some good company.As much as I detest the drive over to their offices, though, I do love exploring their world. As dated as some of the interiors of this campus are (some, btw, are totally magnificent!), I still love the architecture of these older buildings. The graphic nature is fantastic, and I loved the light blue of this building against the sky and clouds.For your internet share of the day, did you know NASA is hiring? I clearly lack the math skills required for such a job, but imagine the photos I could take!And I really, really want to make this dip. Yum.