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memphis' playmate

This is Zack -- and he has endured being Memphis' playmate for the week. At first he was a little nervous about her throwing down her paws at his sides with her butt in the air and her tail wagging, but later he got used to it. He's the first cat she has ever played with, and watching them together this week was pretty entertaining.But you know what is even more entertaining? Going car shopping with my mother-in-law. We are hoping she will get something a little more reliable as her current vehicle is almost 10 years old. So today we were just looking to get an idea of what she likes. And do you know what is most important to her? 1) The back seat 2) The trunk 3) The upholstery. Well, wait. No. 1 is probably price, but we were just trying to find a style and brand that she was comfortable with, so we didn't get into price. But watching these salesmen talk up the engine and horsepower and brakes and airbags as she crawled into the backseat to evaluate the legroom was hilarious."Would you like to take this out on the highway, ma'am?""No. Show me the trunk. And this fabric looks cheap."But in all seriousness, this week with her has been really nice. The circumstances, of course, are not ideal, but we haven't spent this much time together... ever, probably. And despite the sadness surrounding the past week, I am so glad we had this much time together.