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meter change

Today was another day of working at home (I sure could get used to this). Then this afternoon I met up with my friend Amy over at Republic for happy hour and to talk about working at the U. Fascinating stuff, I tell you. It was sooo lovely out -- perfect for sipping on some wine outdoors before heading home and digging into Operation Organize-the-house-before-mother-in-law-arrives.I took this photo of an older parking meter over near Repbulic because Minneapolis is slowly changing the way its paid street parking works. There are now numbered spots, and on each block you pay a machine for how much time you want for your number. Some people are thrilled with this because you can pay with credit cards (which I admit, can be nice).I however, like the coin meters better (another sign that I am becoming Old). And the only reason I can give you is that moment of pure joy that you get when you pull up to a spot and find the meter still has money on it. See? These new meters? They have weights in the street, and when you pull away, the cash is cleared. So that magical moment of free parking is stripped away! I hate that! I always felt those free spots were a perfect example of good Karma coming your way.Also? See these meters take dollar coins? Who in the WORLD carries those? Puh-lease.