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metric cures everything

02wThis weekend, Jamie and I made it out to a block party downtown where Metric was playing. It was SO much fun! We started the night with sushi and ended the evening by unexpectedly running into a bunch of our friends. Events like this in perfect Minnesota weather just make life seem so surreal at times.Anyway, I wanted to share the rest of my photos with you from the show. I wasn't shooting for any publication, but rather just for myself that night. And I probably took too many photos of Emily (the lead singer), but she is so magnetic and fun to photograph that I could not resist. I hope you enjoy the images over here!And for your internet shares of the day:+ While I do love watching the Olympics, this video on how Americans see the games totally cracked me up.+ I will be planning a date night around this movie. HOW COME I AM ONLY LEARNING ABOUT IT NOW?+ I was having a rough morning today, and a dear friend sent me this link. And I think I'll just bookmark it forever to cheer myself up.