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miss aby wolf

So last night after Astronautalis and Why (which you can see a full set of over here), we grabbed dinner and then waited in line until we could get into the Wolf Lords CD release party. Yes. This was their first show since the album (except for that Fetus show on Tuesday) and we had to wait in line at 10 pm... How great is THAT? I love this town.The show was wonderful, but man I felt old and tired by the end of it. Carrying all that gear all night to 2 shows and shooting 6 bands got my back aching. So this morning I got up early and hit a yoga class and... aaaaahhhhhhh did that help. I think I'm gonna need to seriously step up my yoga game before SXSW for fear of feeling my age. Also? Sidenote? This Wolf Lords album would make a great yoga soundtrack.Photos from this show are up over here. Enjoy!