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mission control

So this is my buddy Kyle (yes mom, the one who I drove to Chicago with). I was over at the University today, and I stopped by his office just to say hello (and to snoop and see his work setup... hey, at least I'm honest). Kyle is one of those people that is constantly online. It's *amazingly* handy if you are like me and like to talk about music (or sometimes technical problems) at all hours of the day. But I was super curious about how he manages to be so on top of twitter/ichat/facebook/work at all hours. And here's your answer. It's like freakin' mission control in his office! And there were even more monitors that didn't make it into the frame of this photo! He's a master of online communications, I tell you.Sidenote: That little tiny airbook he has on his desk is pretty sweet. If you are a writer or accountant or someone who doesn't work a lot with giant graphic files (ie, not me) then you should look at getting that puppy. It's super light and easy to carry around.