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momma's boy

13wThis was another shot from this weekend's busy-ness! I loved how this mother and her son interacted with each other, and we managed to catch some good light between the storms. I also love doing baby sessions when the kids are about 4-5 months old because they are so dang smiley! Right?! And besides that, the parents maybe, just maybe, are getting back some sleep!So today I spent the morning working on processing and editing this session while my internet was out. It is stunning (and horrifying) how much more productive I am when both the internet is broken and my husband is back at work. Holy moly.My day also consisted of an amazing meeting with some amazing lady entrepreneurs and an amazing upcoming project. You'll have to wait to hear more about that later though. Sorry to be such a tease. I will give you a hint, however, and tell you that the project may or may not include huge amounts of Nutella.For your internet share of the day, I really enjoyed this post about how to stop the comparison game that the internet/social media has created. I think it's super important to remember that everything you see online is through a filter. Sure you get to see pretty photos from me each day. That's because I don't show you the pile of dishes in the sink, the dog-fur tumbleweeds in the living room or the glamorous side of Magda where I get to follow her around the back yard as she relieves herself so she doesn't do a quick spin and eat her own poop. Because that right there? NO ONE NEEDS TO SEE THAT.