monday at the madhouse // back from kansas

What a week. I flew to Kansas on Wednesday to be with my mother and returned yesterday. This shot above was from my flight -- what an amazing sunset. Because I was away from home most of the week, I don't have a ton of photos of Ezra or Magda. And because most of my time in Kansas was spent in the hospital, I don't have many photos of that either. I just wasn't in the mood.Oh relax, I still have photos of Ezra and Magda below. I wouldn't deprive you of that. They just aren't as comprehensive of a take as I usually attempt.Mom is doing better now than she was before, and we are hopeful she will be released today or tomorrow. I am desperately trying to catch up on my work today, and I figure the least I can do is entertain you with a few internet shares. So here goes: These photos are incredible! Go look at pictures of the "Ugliest Dog Contest," or of rats sniffing out land mines or a crazy lightening storm in California. But if that doesn't float your boat, how about these fantastic sculptures made out of bubble gum! Or if you need something more useful, this beautiful chart shows you which of your produce lasts longest, and in what order you should eat it. Lovely!
I just adore it when he sits with his legs crossed.
Ezra has started reaching out for himself in the mirror and leaning forward to touch mouths with his reflection. Maybe he's giving himself a kiss? Maybe his ego is out of control? Not sure. But you know what I am sure of? I'm gonna need more windex.