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monday at the madhouse ~ bubie carole in town

01wToday, it smelled like fall. In fact, this whole weekend was sort of fall-like. We took jackets with us and wore pants and even, sometimes, SOCKS! And the feeling of that crisp morning air and the smell of the damp leaves? Oh I do love this time of year.This weekend, we also had Bubie Carole in town! She and Ezra had a blast, as you'll see. Above, we went back to the "yellow choo choo" that is the Linden Hills trolley. He just kept smiling and repeating "yellow choo choo... " over and over again in disbelief while we rode it. Ah, kid. The adventures we have ahead!02wSomething new Ezra tried this weekend was walking in mom's shoes. First he did these, and then declared they were too heavy.03wSo then he moved on to my Toms. Smart kid.04wWe visited a train museum in St. Paul and reluctantly climbed into this train to ring the bell and blow the whistle. This took far more convincing than you would imagine.05wHe did enjoy this bell with his Dad, though.06w07wIt rained all day Saturday, so we visited the library and had lots of good books around.08wBetween showers, we went on many walks.09w 10w 11wAnd on Sunday, the weather was glorious, so we walked to the market and to the park. Bubie is like a kid again with Ezra. It is so much fun to witness.12w13wThe kid still has not figured out drinking fountains.14wWhile walking home from the park, we discovered a backyard in the neighborhood that houses chickens! Ezra was enthralled.15wHere he is trying to "pet" the chickens. Good luck, kid.16wThen Sunday evening we headed down to Lake Harriet for a picnic and to ride the trolley. Ezra holds on tight to his trolley token.17w 18wAnd that was our week! This week, I have seven shoots scheduled with the potential for two more, so I'm slammed. Please forgive briefer-than-usual blog posts, but know that I'm working hard on new content! And Happy Monday to everyone!