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monday at the madhouse // five months!

22smThis week wasn't quite as busy because I've been sick with a cold, but we still had adventures playing with stacking cups, playing in the falling snow, eating oatmeal and pears (!!), meeting Dad for lunch and opening Valentine's Day gifts.01sm21sm 20sm02sm 03smI just want you all to know that it's not always smiles around these parts. But I still find him adorable.04sm23sm05sm 06sm 07smHis eyes are getting more grey and a touch greener as well.08smJamie made a brisket from a Bon Appetit recipe, and Magda was *extremely* interested in it.09smEzra opened his first presents (he was too young at Christmas).10smAnd as expected, the tissue paper was his favorite part :)11sm 12smMagda enjoyed knocking over the stacking cups with her paws while Ezra did the same with his hands. It was adorable.13sm 14smSo that was our week! And for your internet share of the day, how about this little piece of adorableness