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monday at the madhouse // off to daycare

01smWhat a week! Ezra started daycare and managed to flirt with the ladies in the class (students as well as teachers), catch a virus which landed us in the doctor's office thanks to the weirdest diaper ever (no more details, I promise), and he slept entirely through the night a few times. Big week, y'all.Magda was better behaved since I wasn't doting on Ezra all day (imagine) and Merlin? He's still sleeping a lot. He'll be sure to meet you in the kitchen if you're making a meal that includes meat, however.Anyway, photos below! Enjoy!02smFirst day of daycare outfit.03smNaked (under a blanket) at the doctor's office. And still happy.04smThis hoodie matches his eyes so well right now, I love it.05smOh hi, cutie!06sm 07smLook at those long lashes!08smStill wriggling out of socks any chance he can get.09smAnd I love this one of him smiling at Magda.For your random internet share of the day, I love these photos of shampoo'd hair! So creative! Also, check out these amazing back stage photos from the Oscars. Fantastic.