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monday at the madhouse // sun's out, tongue's out

01smWhat a fun week! First off, being able to have this little man sit on his own (and be stable enough to not worry about falling) is a huge benefit to our day-to-day life. I had no idea how great this milestone would be. Probably up there with SLEEPING THROUGH THE NIGHT. But I wouldn't know about that one yet, now would I?Anyway, Ezra continued being adorable this week, Magda continued to be on great behavior and we had a ton of fun. One interesting development is that Ezra looooooves to stick his tongue out. You'll see that theme throughout the images. In fact, more than Ezra had their tongue out this week. Also? If his tongue isn't out, he's likely making farting noises galore. He's gonna be a great date, I tell you.02sm 03sm 04sm 05sm 06sm 07smEven Ezra's buddy Eero had his tongue out this week! We invited Eero's family over for tacos and took photos in sombreros after. Because... fiesta. Yeah. You know.08sm 09smHa! How ridiculous does he look in these sunglasses? He thought so as well, because right after I snapped this he threw them on the ground.10sm 11sm 12sm 13sm 14smFor your internet share of the day, have you seen Obama's remarks at the White House Correspondents Dinner? Because it made me snort out loud. Enjoy!