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monday at the madhouse ~ the sweet life

01wWe had an amazing weekend around these parts -- lots of friends, lots of great food and lots of laughs. Ezra was in an *amazing* mood all weekend ... until he tried his very first lollipop (as seen above). That piece of candy was like a mainline of cocaine* straight to his brain and we probably won't be doing that again anytime soon. But I hope he enjoyed it while it lasted.02wWe started the weekend with sushi. Lesson learned: Order Ezra his own damn sushi because sharing doesn't work as he eats all of ours. But the good news is that he loves eel and avocado and shrimp and octopus and wow, what a kid!03w 04wJust a few shots from our room at the Japanese restaurant. I love those private dining experiences.05wAfter dinner, Ezra played outside with Evie (who joined us with her parents for the meal!). Evie looks like a flower child from 1969 here, and I love it.06wThe weather this weekend has been phenomenal, so we practically lived in the backyard.07w 08w 09wWe started Mother's Day with Ezra deciding to push the vacuum cleaner around. YES, LET'S WORK ON THAT SOME MORE!10wThen he got dressed for our brunch date and man-oh-man is he cute or what?11wAt brunch, he ate guacamole with a spoon. Who eats that for breakfast? My very own spawn, that's who. Jamie shot this image after we finished eating.12wAfter brunch and nap time, our buddies Eric, Betz and Eero came over to hang out in the back yard. Eero was a total champ and helped Ezra with his trike (an played ball with the kid). It was a lovely afternoon, and we had a fantastic time.13wAnd then we gave Ezra this piece of brain-changing organic material and he turned into a whirling dervish with a short temper and extreme frustration. Good thing we got him settled down by bedtime.*Sidenote: I have no idea what mainlining cocaine looks or feels like. I am making this statement based on lots and lots of television viewing.