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Monday with Magda

1223MagssmAh yes, Mags here has had another epic week.First, she developed a cold. Yes, a cold. I have had many dogs in my life, but never any with a random cold. This was not your traditional "Kennel Cough" but rather, another strain of cough. She was hacking up loogies all over the house.(Is that how you spell loogies? I really have no idea. Wait. I just checked twitter and apparently I'm right. See? All you people who think Twitter is only good for seeing what people had for breakfast are wrong. It is totally good for spell checking vulgar terms with your buddies at 8 pm on a holiday week.)Anyway! Yes, back to the dog coughing up mucus all over my house. So that was going on and she was a bit under the weather. And then? Then she ate a big bunch of poop in the backyard. BECAUSE THAT ALWAYS CLEARS A COLD RIGHT UP. No? No.You know what it does make you do? Vomit continuously for about 2 hours straight.But after a day of that, she's back to her normal antics. Most recently, she's decided the water feeding the Christmas tree is way better than the fresh water in her bowl. You know, because after this weekend, why NOT try a bunch of new foods and drinks?Ok, for your internet share of the day, I'm sending you to one of my very favorite photo blog's photos of the year post. These are "the best" photos taken around the world this year, and make sure you scroll all the way through. For instance, the shoes in No. 35 are unforgettable. Also, please note that this is a 3-part post, and this link is to the first (Jan-April).