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monday with magda // a little fed up

0609magssmThis little pup was a bit fed up today. You see, she was at the dog sitters all weekend while we were in Chicago. and she ran and played and ran and played and ran and played. And all day yesterday, after returning home, it was nothing but sleep. And all night? Sleep. And all morning? Sleep.But then.Then, this afternoon, the doorbell was ringing and strangers were here a LOT. Why, you ask? Because Jamie and I are purging a ton of crap from the house to make room for a new person, and we're giving away / selling a bunch of it. So people were coming by today to get their goods, and Magda was stuck inside not greeting strangers.And on top of that? Merlin was outside with them all. Oh, life is so unfair. So I tried to distract her by taking photos, and this was the best I could get. This was her writhing around, talking and moaning (literally) about being stuck indoors with no strangers to greet.I kept trying to tell her that her grandma Plesser is arriving tonight, and she's about to get some serious love and spoiling, but I don't think she got it. She will soon enough, however. :)For your internet share today, how about looking at these actors next to their body doubles? FASCINATING.