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monday with magda // costume edition

1021magssmWhat a week with Magda! Let's see... there was the squirrel killing in the backyard, the toilet paper eating, the constant (and man, do I mean constant) barking at Merlin and the "diving in front of moving cars" incident.I feel like I'm raising a four-year-old boy. Holy moly. Thank goodness there was also the "snuggle and make baby noises all morning" incident along with the "sleep for hours by your feet in front of the fire" evening.Anyway! Halloween is fast approaching, and I have always wanted to get Mags a lion's mane to wear for the holiday as I think her coloring is perfect and it would be adorable. So I searched the internet and various pet stores and Target and no luck. Oh, I found a few, but none that either a) fit or b) were cute enough or c) were cheap enough. UNTIL TODAY.Today I had a meeting over at Magda's daycare (more on that next week, I promise), and afterward I decided to stop in to Arc Value Village which is right down the street. It's a thrift store that my buddy Nyberg has been praising for years (and years and years) and I know they have a good Halloween setup. And man, do they ever! I got my lion mane (you'll see that later) but as I was checking out I also spied these devil horns. For sixty nine cents! HELL YES, I had to get them. Pretty perfect for the week she's had.So! If you're in the Twin Cities, I *highly* suggest Arc Value Village for any Halloween costume needs both because they have a huge selection, tons of sizes and, best of all, it's cheap!For my internet share of the day, I'm sending you to one of my favorite cooking websites where they give you the recipe for making snickers from scratch! I know! I don't have time for that nonsense either! But it's totally fun to dream about :)