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monday with magda // frozen tundra edition

0106mwmsmWhen I woke up this morning, the thermometer outside the kitchen window said it was 28 degrees below zero.Now wait a minute, I don't want you to think I'm complaining. Sure, it puts a damper on errand running, but these extremely cold days are exactly what keep the population of my fair city down so that I may live in such a glorious place and still be able to afford a beautiful home in the city. Coming from Los Angeles or Miami, I am thrilled to have a natural occurrence that keeps out the wusses of the world. The only weather complaint you'll hear from me is how long winter lasts. I'm fine with it lasting until March, but I am still a little pissed about last year's May snowfall.Today I worked at my computer all day while Magda napped in the next room. We ventured out for a pee break around noon, but she can only hobble around rotating her three legs for so long before she wants back inside to snuggle under the covers.For today's internet share of the day, how about a look at arctic foxes and how they use the north/south axis to better hunt mice in the snow?! Apparently, animals use the magnetic forces of the planet far more than I ever thought....