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monday with magda // guess who's two?

1201MagssmToday this sweetie is two years old. Man, oh, man -- the difference a few years can make!I love it when she sleeps with all her paws in a pile like that. Just adorable. I'm gonna be honest and tell you that I had high hopes of photographing her with cupcakes and candles and the whole shebang again this year, but the babysitter fell through today and I need to spend every moment that Ezra is napping working on my paid client work instead. (Sad trombone.)The good news? That this kid is napping at all! I'll take it!But don't worry! I will still get Magda her cupcakes. We celebrate dog birthdays very seriously around these parts. It's just that my natural light will be gone by the time I accomplish said task, and so you won't get photos. But this girl here? She'll go to bed happy, I promise.And for your internet share, it looks like someone made a print of my life mantra. Yup.