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monday with magda // i spoke too soon

0310magssmFirst, before we get any further, I have to tell you that as I type this my office window is open and it is FIFTY FOUR DEGREES OUTSIDE. Oh my, this is so exciting. I took the dogs for a walk today, but you guys, it was tragically sloppy out there. I had to double back about five different times due to "sidewalk lakes" that were unpassable. So what did this girl do? She went back home and ordered some cute new rain boots. Glass half full!The photo above was actually snapped late Saturday night/Sunday morning after the Arcade Fire show. I had already blogged, and when I got out of the shower and came to bed all warm in my pjs this was what I found (except Mags was asleep). So I tiptoed back downstairs to grab my camera and when I came back up, she heard me. Ah well, still a very cute snuggly moment.As for this girl, clearly I spoke too soon about the slippers. While she's been hoarding our things for months now, the day after I put in writing that she didn't destroy them, she ate one of my slippers. Grrrr... So now we really have to monitor what she takes to her nest. Also, yesterday we had a monstrous trip to Ikea for basement goods and when we returned, Miss Magda greeted us at the back door. Which was odd because when we left she had been locked in her crate. Ahem.Turns out, she figured out an escape route (likely because it appears Mom forgot to clasp one of the two carabiners). Anyway, we quickly surveyed the home for damage and we were pleased nothing seemed amiss. Until the phone rang and we discovered she had chewed it to bits. Thank goodness one of us works at an electronics retailer and can get another one.Also I should note this was a cordless phone, not a cell phone. Yes, we still have a land line. Yes, we are old-school like that.For your internet share of the day, how about these views of Manhattan from the new WTC building? And you can move around and change your view! And if heights scare the crap out of  you (like me), you might get a touch queasy. Sorry about that.