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monday with magda // sensitive girl

sad0811smOne of the most fascinating parts of Magda's personality that's coming out more and more as she get's "older," is her sensitivity to emotions. I've started to notice that if I get upset about something (even if it's something I'm reading -- meaning there is no physical or audible reaction), Mags will pick up on my mood change and hide. And should I get mad enough to vocalize my frustration about something? Watch out.For instance, at the cabin a few weeks back, I read "The Fault In Our Stars," (Don't judge! I love easy brain candy books at the cabin!) and at a few points in the book I began to tear up or cry. About 20 minutes later I would realize I didn't know where Magda was, and I would find her hiding under beds or couches. I think it's this sensitivity to emotion that also makes her hide from kids (talk about little balls of emotion). I always joke that she better shape up or I'm gonna make her walk the halls of Southwest High School with me (imagine the hormones at play there!).Anyway, this morning I was reading up on my emails, and Magda was snuggling with me on the sofa. I had several notes from friends that were really hard for me -- ranging from the death of a dear friend last week in California (cancer) or another friend's ongoing difficult battle with, you guessed it, cancer or another friend who had opened up about some real difficulties she's facing right now. Between the three things swirling in my head at about 6 am, I was an emotional basket case. And boy, Magda has been down about it all day long, the sweet thing. I keep finding her in corners of the basement, hiding in big blankets or her crate full of big sighs and sad eyes.I get you girl. Life is hard sometimes. But I've never had a dog who felt it like this one. I never would have guessed her heart was capable a year ago* -- imagine all the other things we have to learn about our sweet vizsla in the years ahead.For your internet share of the day, I'm sending you to photos of last night's super moon. It was cloudy here in Minneapolis, so I didn't see it myself. But wow, do I love these images!* I would like to point out, however, that should I be pissed at HER for bad behavior, she has absolutely no reaction. In fact, she just kindof glares back, like, yeah, I ate that thing of yours. Deal with it. Sooo... don't go getting the idea that she's this sweet all the time.