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monday with magda // summer is here

0526magssmYeah, she's warming up to the idea of playing in water. This year at the lake should be interesting!This puddle is usually found at the dog park after a rain, and this week it was there for a few days. The good news is that it makes Magda happy. The bad news is that many dogs pee in this puddle, so any playtime in the water requires an immediate bath upon returning home. The even worse news is that our genius dog loves to drink from this puddle EVEN THOUGH WE BRING HER FRESH WATER. So she's usually a touch sick the next day. Nothing too severe, but enough to gross us all out.I don't know about where you guys live, but where we are it is STICKY. It's like we had one week of glorious spring, and now it's summer. So we've been sleeping in the basement these past few nights (I know, I know, I owe you photos of that part of the room...), and that has been a wonderful option. Today we're installing our window a/c in the bedroom so that we can sleep up there when Jamie's mom comes in a few weeks. Also? I'd like to point out that normally we put in our air conditioners the week of my birthday -- about a month from now. So yeah, we were behind all spring due to our long winter, and now suddenly we're ahead.For your internet share of the day, I'm sending you to this article that ran in Sunday's paper about the hidden moral code of dogs. It says dogs can sense inequality and injustice. I could have told them that without the study, but the article is still fascinating!