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monday with merlin // more drugs please

0519MerlinsmSometimes I get so excited about teaching Magda new tricks and poses (and attempting to wear her out) that I forget to give you guys updates on Merlin, aka, the best dog on the entire planet.He has been doing great. As he gets older, his walks are shorter and there's a lot more mosy-ing and sniffing around and much less running and barking, but his spirits are high and he's eating all of his food and he greets us with a wagging tail at the door when we return home. We really can't ask for much more of this old man.Now that it's spring, he's a bit more interested in the open windows and new scents, but not quite like he used to be. He recently started a true pain medication to supplement his acupuncture, and it seems to have him a bit more comfortable -- especially on warm days (the cold really bothers his joints).Anyway! Today I thought we should try him out with props in the studio, and as expected, he was a total star. He just sat there patiently while we put more and more props on him and shot more and more photos. I think this took about 5 minutes. The tricky part about shooting Merlin is that he doesn't give me a lot of expressions like Memphis or Magda, but on the flip side he stays super still and is amazingly patient. Seriously people. Collies are the best.For your internet share of the day, I'm gonna show you a little girl and her cool playtime with her cats. I know! CATS! A RARITY!