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monsters and coffee. my favorite combo.

0722coffeesmToday I got to have coffee with my amazing buddy Leah. We decided to meet up early (8:30) so that we could get on with our days afterward. We talked and talked and talked and talked -- since we'd seen each other last, there have been several vacations, family health issues and home renovations. And then I looked at the clock and it was ELEVEN. Yeah. So we had to skeedaddle outta there and get back to work and such. But such a wonderful start to the day.For your internet share, I want to eat these popsicles immediately. Actually, I want to get some molds so I can even make them myself! And wouldn't they pair nicely with this burger? Yum. And lastly, as if popsicles and burgers aren't summery enough, how about this list of free music and movies in Minneapolis next month? So much fun!