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1012cowswHow much fun did I have on Wednesday out at the farm? SO! MUCH! FUN! Except for the freezing-ass cold (I know come January, I will kill for these temps, but for now it's chilly!). But even the 37 degrees didn't bug me too much! Because I got to photograph cows and sheep and chickens and those guys up there! And kids! And fields! And it was an amazing day.I would love to show you one of these images in color, but I want to save that for my client. So you just get this sneak peek in black and white. I'll be sure to tell you later when you can see them out in the real world though.And speaking of "out in the real world," I need some winter coats! I need one that is super warm and long and handles the February days, and I need one that is cuter, a bit lighter, and handles the December/March days. Right now, I'm drawn to the cuter ones (of course). So which of these three would you get if money were no object?

  1. Oh Anthropologie, you really get me.
  2. And yeah, you really do get me because here's another one I love.
  3. And this one would be super sporty and cute (and warm) from the Gap.

Tell me what you think!