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more pc training

OMG this blog is so dull these days! I really, really apologize. I'll get out to some rock'n'roll again soon, I promise. But these early mornings at the paper (above) followed by 8 straight hours on the PC are draining the creativity from my soul*. So tonight I came home, did an hour of yoga (ahhhhh) and then headed out to Muddy Waters with Jamie to do some work at the bar where a glass of red wine always helps get the blog going. What? It's true. You know it.*It might not be JUST the PC draining my creativity. It might be that the past two full days have been nothing but technical training and zero, and I mean ZERO, creative work. I'm an art director! Let me DESIGN something! I'm going to have to come home and start crafting or something if this doesn't turn around right quick!